Oval gear
flow meter
model SR1 for oil
Flow range, oil:
min 0.1 – 1.5 L/min
max 10 – 120 L/min
Kytola's oval gear flow meters are used for industrial oil flow measurement and other viscous liquids. Our oval gear flow meters always show the correct flow rate regardless of temperature or viscosity changes. They are an excellent choice for applications that require high resistance to chemicals combined with low loss of pressure.
Flow range, oil:
min 0.1 – 1.5 L/min
max 10 – 120 L/min
Flow range, oil:
min 0.1 – 1.5 L/min
max 5 – 70 L/min
Flow range, oil:
min 0.1 – 1.5 L/min
max 0.5 – 6 L/min
Flow range, oil:
min 10 – 120 L/min
max 20 – 200 L/min
Flow range, oil:
min 0.1 – 1.5 L/min
max 0.5 – 6 L/min
Kytola Instruments Oy
P.O. Box 5
Olli Kytölän tie 1
FI-40951 Muurame
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