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Why should you choose Kytola Smart?

Because it works! See what you get.

Secured flow measurement at all times

  • Double verification of flow rate: visual reading and a 4-20 mA signal to control room.
  • Always reliable measurement. No sensors in contact with the fluid.

Customized to your needs

Customized scales for real operating conditions

  • Dependable and precise
  • Secured flow measurement
  • For demanding industrial environments

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  • 4-20 mA output with local flow rate indication
  • Connection to upper level automation and control systems
  • Easy upgrade of existing Kytola flow meters without need of piping changes.

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  • We commit to personal service
  • Each contact is handled in person by our specialists

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Kytola V Smart with mA signal

Flow range H2O, 20°C:
From 2 – 9 L/min depending on model
Upto 5 – 32.5 L/min depending on model

Flow range air, 1.013 bar(a), 20°C:
From 60 – 300 NL/min depending on model
Upto 100 – 1100 NL/min depending on model

With or without flow adjustment valve

Especially suitable for

  • cooling water measurement
  • seal water measurement
  • flush water applications
  • gas flow measurements

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Kytola K Smart with mA signal

Flow range H2O, 20°C:
From 7.5 – 40 L/min depending on model
Upto 10 – 120 L/min depending on model

Flow range air, 1.013 bar(a), 20°C:
From 200 – 1200 NL/min depending on model
Upto 400 – 3000 NL/min depending on model

With or without flow adjustment valve

Especially suitable for

  • cooling water measurement
  • seal water measurement
  • flush water applications
  • air and gas flow measurements

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Kontakta oss

Säljkontor, Sverige

Kytölä Instrument AB
Ringborregatan 1
721 34 Västerås

Detta fält används för valideringsändamål och ska lämnas oförändrat.



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