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Join us at CIDPEX in Nanjing, China 15.-17. May, 2024

The renowned China International disposal paper expo 2024 (CIPDEX) is due this May, 15.-17. May at Nanjing International Expo Center, Jiangsu, China. You are most welcome to meet Kytola Instruments’ representatives at stand 8K06.

Kytola Instruments has the pleasure of announcing our presense at the exhibition together with our distributor in China, Suzhou Weiduoya Automatical and Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.

We have a wide range of flow measurement and monitoring devices on display. Let our team guide you to the precise and durable solutions Kytola Instruments has to offer for water, oil and gases flow measurement needs. Our products cover the needs of most industrial applications and they can be made to order without compromising in quality or prompt delivery times.

Please do not hesitate to contact us prior to the event for questions, meeting requests or product information.


Kontakta oss

Säljkontor, Sverige

Kytölä Instrument AB
Ringborregatan 1
721 34 Västerås

Detta fält används för valideringsändamål och ska lämnas oförändrat.



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