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Do you need to measure and monitor gas flows?

Customizable variable area flow meters for gas flow metering and monitoring, The Kytola K series.

Watch video Download datasheet Model KL, K, KD (565.93 KB pdf)

Solution for gas flow metering

We’ve created a sturdy industrial flow meter with a heavy-duty impact resistant polymer flow tube to accommodate the needs of accurate and cost-saving gas flow metering and monitoring. The Kytola K series flow meters are variable area flow meters with a clear reading. All K series meters are made to comply with the requirements gas applications hold for process equipment. Kytola’s long and proven history combined with continuous product development ensure high reliability and long-lasting products that enhance sustainability.

One key feature of all Kytola flow meters is their adaptability. Each flow meter can be built to meet your specific needs. The K series gas flow meters can be customized using a wide selection of end blocks, flow tube materials, flow ranges, connections etc. The meter can also be equipped with an alarm sensor.


  • Clear reading
  • Wide material selection
  • Alarm readiness

Kontakta oss

Säljkontor, Sverige

Kytölä Instrument AB
Ringborregatan 1
721 34 Västerås

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