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Flow meter accuracy

Kytola flow meter accuracy is stated as % of F.S. (Full Scale) or % of RD (Reading). Here you can find the information about flow meter’s accuracy and calculation formula for calculating inaccuracy.

% F.S. accuracy

For example when flow meter full scale is 100 L/min and accuracy is stated as +/- 5 % F.S. it means +/- 5 L/min accuracy on the flow meter whole measurement range.

% of F.S. inaccuracy is calculated

Flow meter reading – Real flow            *100 = F.S. inaccuracy
         Flow meter full scale

% RD accuracy

For example when flow meter reading is 100 L/min and accuracy is stated as +/- 5 % RD it means +/- 5 L/min accuracy. Or at 50 L/min reading +/- 2,5 L/min accuracy.

% of RD. inaccuracy is calculated

Flow meter reading – Real flow           *100 = RD inaccuracy
         Flow meter reading


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Säljkontor, Sverige

Kytölä Instrument AB
Ringborregatan 1
721 34 Västerås

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