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Plastic tube flow meters make a difference

Kytola plastic tube flow meters are designed and man­u­fac­tured to endure wear and tear. The Kytola H series plastic tube flow meters are great cost-effective solutions for measuring and monitoring most of the liquids and gases, even in harsh conditions.

Watch video Download datasheet Model HV, HK, HT (598,62 KB pdf)

For liquids and gases

Kytola Instruments offer a wide range of variable area flow meters with plastic tube. These cost-effective flow meters cater for a variety of industrial flow measurement needs without compromising on quality and accuracy. They are applicable to most process industry applications.

The Kytola H Series of variable area flow meters is made with diligence and accuracy to meet the high demands of industrial flow measurement needs. High precision and utter reliability are key features in harsh operating conditions in reverse osmosis applications, water treatment plants, chemical and process industries, agricultural applications and flow measurement in PVC piping.


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Säljkontor, Sverige

Kytölä Instrument AB
Ringborregatan 1
721 34 Västerås

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