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Acrylic flow meters

Impeccable design, best possible raw materials, production with latest manufacturing technology by highly skilled personnel and thorough testing make Kytola flow meters stand out from the crowd.

Download datasheet Model A, C, D (516,07 KB pdf)

Made to measure

Our models A, C and D are acrylic flow meters operating in thousands of applications around the world. Their reliability and precision base on the profund knowledge and experience we have gathered for more than 70 years in the business. The acrylic flow meters come in a variety of flow and pressure ranges, all made to customer-specific needs. Ideally these flow meters are used for measuring and monitoring liquid and gas flows in applications within water treatment, sealing water measurement and gas flow measurement.


Kontakta oss

Säljkontor, Sverige

Kytölä Instrument AB
Ringborregatan 1
721 34 Västerås

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